Wednesday 5 October 2011

11 days til my birthday + quote of the day!

i'll be 17. not sure if im excited about that. i just feel like my worlds going soo fast, and very soon i'll be an adult.

it amazes me how people want to start clubbing and drinking now. like all of my friends. you have a lfietime to do that. you're a child once, for such a short period in your life make the most of it.

i remember how hard it was to get into an MA15+ movie, and how much we (my friends) used to try but we never did. now its soo exhilarating going to a MA15+ movie, and that exhilration wouldnt be the same if it hadnt been soo hard before.

so lets all take a step back and enjoy life as it is

& as for the quote, which fittingly ties in with the theme we have here

as unkown (sourced from a novel i was reading) said: 

"you have your whole life to grow, but a only a short amount to live"

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